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Overview and Purpose

Triumph Over Trauma provides resources and training for

faith-based leaders to bring

trauma-informed care

to their communities.

Our work is inclusive of all persons, regardless of faith tradition, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or other division that separates us from the love of God found in each other.

The Problem

Long-lasting effects of childhood and adult trauma require quality mental health resources that are lacking in most parts of the world. Access is limited for people without health insurance or who live in poverty. The stigma around mental health issues prevents many from seeking help to live their best lives.

A Solution:
Triumph Over Trauma

Faith communities are located in the midst of this pain and suffering. Core values of caring for neighbor and repairing the world make these houses of worship prime settings for people to gain insight into traumatic triggers while learning healthy coping skills.

  1. We provide training through the Center for Innovation in Health Policy and Practice (NASMHPD) free of charge for faith-based leaders to facilitate a 7-week program and begin peer support groups in their communities. 

  2. Leaders receive facilitation and group resources, media, and messaging to raise awareness of the program in local communities.

  3. As new leaders are identified, they receive training and begin additional groups.


Beginning with only 3 leaders in a pilot study, groups were quickly filled beyond the 15-person recommendation. An expansion of training additional leaders resulted in 9 groups that reached over 400 people. From that initial pilot, we now have Triumph Over Trauma trained facilitators in at least 32 states and 8 countries.

"I had no idea the lasting effects trauma would have on my whole life. The Triumph Over Trauma group deals with the whole picture and has given me the courage to trust myself and believe in the goodness of people and life again.”                                                                                                                                                  Kim, Group Participant 

"So the training is helping people a lot, it's giving hope to those that have lost hope. They are saying that they have nothing to do again, they are useless, and so forth. But by receiving this training, they have come to understand that they will be useful...and they have hope. We are getting feedback; they are having the hope of being useful in the future."

Doris Adamu Jenis, Triumph Over Trauma Leader-Africa

"Triumph Over Trauma offers a groundbreaking small-group process for the healing of trauma. This program is designed to both educate and heal trauma by providing victim/survivors with safety, compassion, and acceptance.  The material is accessible and clear without being overly simplistic, and it holds the potential to heal thousands of participants. I recommend it to your faith community or organization."  

Karen A. McClintock, M.Div, Ph.D., 

Author of Trauma-Informed Pastoral Care:
How to Respond When Things Fall Apart

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